Having uneven texture and patchy skin tone.
Types of dull skin:
• Sallow or tired skin
• Lackluster and uneven texture
• Ashy or patchy complexion
Dull skin often appears lackluster, tired, and sallow. It is often accompanied by a patchy uneven texture and an inability to reflect light uniformly. Dull skin is often caused by a buildup of dead skin cells or dirt on the surface layers of the dermis, as well as inflammation, poor circulation, and a lack of proper moisture.
While this condition can happen anywhere, it most commonly is noticed on the face and arms.
• Dry Skin - Though often mistaken for each other, dull skin is caused by a lack of proper hydration while dry skin is a specific skin type that produces less sebum oil than normal.
Please Note: It is important to speak with your medical provider or dermatologist first regarding any bump, lesion, or other unknown issue on the skin to rule out more serious skin conditions.
If you are tired of a tired and dull complexion, Cat has helped thousands of clients experience healthy, hydrated, and radiant skin that is smooth in texture and tone.
Patient (42 F) skin appears more radiant after two treatments.